Renew your creative spark and love on your body with this simple, three ingredient sugar scrub.
It seems there is an endless stream of bath and beauty products flooding the market at every turn and with so much to choose from (not to mention insane prices) I often get overwhelmed making no choice at all! What I find even more confusing, is the long list of ingredients with many I can’t even pronounce. What are all these things and more importantly, do they really belong ON my body? With 80% percent of what we put on our skin getting absorbed into the bloodstream, it’s no wonder that toxic beauty products are often to blame for ailments and skin issues. That’s why I love going back-to-basics! There’s no better way to shed those old habits then with a symbolic rub down. Here’s my guide to crafting your own sugar scrub!
Keep it simple!!! I love the idea of making body products until I grab the ingredient list and find there are many specialty items that I don’t have on hand. We’ve intentional kept this list simple and pure.
- Essential Oil – Do you have essential oils that you diffuse or otherwise use in the house? Grab those and get ready to craft your own signature scent.
- Sugar – Brown sugar, pure cane sugar or turbinado sugar.
- Organic Jojoba Oil – Alternatively, you could use avocado, olive, apricot, or sesame oil.
- Vessel for your Scrub – I prefer a lidded glass mason jar but you may want to pick plastic or acrylic if you are concerned about dropping.
- Optional Dried Flowers – Beautifully but can be messy for you shower!
- Start by designing your scent. Take out your essential oils and a glass cup. Place a couple drops of each essential oil you would like to blend and swirl them together to see if you like the scent. Alternatively, you can take the tops off each oil and holding them together swirl around your nose to see if you like your blend. Using the cup method, see how the proportions pass your sniff test and adjust as desired. Once your proportions are defined, we want to get to a total of about 25-30 drops (depending on the size of your vessel and how strong you prefer the scent). This is the beauty of crafting your own, adjust as desired to your perfect liking.
Some of my favorite scent combinations include:
Lavender and Orange
Lemongrass and Geranium
Jasmine and Orange
Popular aromas for bath blends utilize orange, lemon, grapefruit, lavender, peppermint, spearmint, bergamot, rose, vanilla, eucalyptus, patchouli.
- Next, we are going to scoop the sugar into a bowl. Fill your vessel just slightly under the “full” mark and then dump into a bowl. You can use brown sugar, pure cane sugar or turbinado sugar. I prefer the turbinado sugar as it’s the most course and unprocessed and holds the most essential minerals. Using this type of sugar, you can utilize your scrub twice a week. Brown sugar is a good choice for sensitive skin and can be used 4 times a week. Pure cane sugar, often the most readily available, is great for all skin types and used 2-3 times a week.
- Add approximately 3-5 tablespoons of Jojoba oil or oil of your choice to your sugar and mix (again this depends on your container size). Mixture should be sandy not soupy, so adjust accordingly. We don’t want the sugar dissolving!
- Add in your essential oil mixture and stir completely. Adjust proportions as needed.
- Add in dried flowers but remember these can be frustrating to clean out of the shower but do feel luxurious!
- Scoop mixture back into jar and seal! Violá your scrub is complete and best if used within about a month. No preservatives are needed as no water is in this mixture.
- Optional: If you want to get fancy, create your own label. These make great gifts as you can make large batches inexpensively and people always appreciate something made with love and attention
Challenging yourself to take the time for these type of creative rituals yields much greater results than just a beautiful (non-toxic and eco-friendly) product. Slowing down with the intention to mindfully craft your scrub sends a powerful self love message to your body and the higher you! You care about how you treat it and what it needs!
So why not, go love on yourself.