The Art of Tea Leaves

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                  This month I wanted to share a divination tool that has become somewhat of a lost art, Tea Leaf Reading! Tea leaf reading, also known as Tasseomancy, is the art and practice of prophecy using loose leaf tea leaves and a teacup. In a typical tea leaf reading you ask a question or two to the cup  prior to drinking, infusing your energy and intention into the tea. Once completed, we circle the cup around the saucer, repeating our questions and place it upside down on to the saucer. Then the tea leaves that are left over in the cup will be examined by the reader. The reader would then see what kind of patterns and shapes have formed in the teacup and explain their meaning. Rather than simply talking about it we wanted to give you the EXPERIENCE of a tea leaf reading!! That’s why this month, I sat down with one of my favorite teachers, Janice Roper, to share how she blends tea leaf reading and your natal astrology chart, to create an insightful message to help propel you forward.

How It All Began

The Astrology

Janice then took a look at my natal chart, so we could gleam some insight on what pressure and presents the Universe would be offering over the next few months. When this was taped we were a little over a month out of dawning the Aquarian Age but the vibration of change was already in the air! If you’ve ever questioned the authenticity and usefulness of astrology, then watching just a few minutes of our time together should prove to you what a valuable tool it can be! Astrology offers a blueprint in which we can discover and learn about parts of ourselves, that even we don’t understand. It’s a tool that, for me, allows me to soften to the happenings of life, viewing them from the perspective of evolution. I think we can all say, that growth it uncomfortable and during challenging times understanding your personal relationship to astrological transits provides context that can help guide your way forward.

The Tea Leaf Reading

Here comes the really fun part! When Janice and I sat down to record this interview I had yet to launch my new non-medicated psychedelic journeys , but they were prepped and ready to share with our community! These journeys are possible because of the use of modern day technologies, like brainwave entrainment, which also makes an appearance in my reading. You’ll see by the expression on my face how floored I was when the first thing out of Janice’s mouth after investigating my cup was “Oh, Kim you’re just about ready to start something new, this is like a mushroom. And I think you’re excited about it exploding in all directions!” You simply can’t make this stuff up! You’ll have to watch the video for yourself to see the joy, guidance, and reassurance these magical visits to Janice can bring!


Feel inspired? Take your own dive into this fascinating art form with a reading of your own. Our energy is telling a story about us all the time, using tools like tea leaf reading allows us to tap into this story and make sure it’s where we want to go! 

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