Sage bundles and crystals are alll the rage these days, but how do we actually use these Earthly gifts in our daily life? Smudging, the burning of Sage or other herbs, is used to clear stagnant of negative energy. This ancient practice has been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures and is a beautiful practice that can connect us with its ancient lineage. There are many reasons in our modern life that may require a smudging session.
Some good times to smudge include:
- When moving into or redesigning a space
- After an illness
- As part of your Spring Cleaning ritual(insert link)
- After a fight or argument
- Before a ceremony or sacred circle
- To change the energy of a space

The basic principles of smudging are quite simple and easy to follow. As you begin encorporating this ritual into your life you may add in elements that resonate with you. For instance, in Native American cultures the smudging ritual might include calling in the Four Directions . You’ll also note, in the supply list I’ve included the elemental significance of each item in the ritual. Today we’ll start with the basics, with space for you to include an intention, to bring the vibration you are looking to match into your space.
- A Sage Bundle (Earth) Alternatively you may want to use loose Sage in a fireproof container or Palo Santo sticks
- Fire Proof Container such as an Abalone Shell (Water)
- A lighter or matches (Fire)

- You can both smudge a place or a person. In both instances the process is the same.
- In your space, open the windows, any doors, pull back curtains and clear the area of an unnnecessary clutter.
- Light your sage stick or loose leafs (make sure you are using a fire proof container) letting the stick briefly catch fire and fanning or blowing the embers to increase the smoke.
- If possible use a feather or ceremonial fan to encourage the smoke to filter into the space, making sure not to miss the corners or spaces where the old energy may reside.
- When smudging yourself or another person you want to use the feather to direct the smoke both over your head and below your feet. I’ve seen this done in either order, so feel into what is right for you.
Cleansing your home of stagnant or negative energy is a simple ritual that can be incorporated into your weekly routine or as needed. - While fanning the sage visualize your intention or repeat outload a mantra in order to raise the vibration of your space.
- After cleansing the entire area, make sure to extinguish the stick in your fire proof container or in sand. (Note: make sure not to use water or you will not be able to re-use your stick)
That’s it! You space is now clear of lingering energies that may have felt heavy or negative.
Remember our vibration wants to assimilate to its environment making it critical that we are conscious of what we surrround ourselves with.
So you may be wondering how often this is necessary? And the answer is really up to you. You may choose to do it on a wider scale (think your whole house) during a clean up and out day. Or you may choose to do it daily in your sacred space before your meditation or asana practice.
Either way this practice will teach you to consciously FEEL the energy of your space and understand more deeply how its vibration effects your thoughts and overall health and well being.

Alternative: Concerned about lighting up? Perhaps you need to cleanse a space, like an office, where smoke would be frowned upon. You can make your own Sacred Smudging Spray to be used in the exact same manner.